
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Little Sign Makes a Big Difference!

I recently blogged about my son's room here and one of the things on my to-do list was find something about the bed, to me it just looked to plain.  

I wasn't sure what I wanted to put there… Maybe flags, picture frames, his artwork?  Then, on one of my days off I took a trip to my new favorite craft store, Hobby Lobby.  There I found some vintage looking metal car signs that happened to be 1/2 off at the time.  Originally they were around $14 each and I got them for about $7!

I LOVE the way they look there, its exactly what the space needed.  

Now the license plate you see up there….

I did not buy from Hobby Lobby.  I actually took it off my car when I got the new plates, and thought it would be a great addition, I'm sure you can find some at vintage stores.  


1. Finish the car bed
2. Find something to go above bed
3. Tool chest dresser
4. Signs above shelving unit
5. Book shelves
6. Window treatments
7. Lamp
8. Boxes for cubbies

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